What Manner of Man
What manner of man is this they said
when the wind and the waves stood still;
when the demons fled at his stern rebuke
and he healed all those that were ill.
What manner of man is this they said
who turns water into wine,
who fed five thousand in a desert place
and said to them 'Come and dine'.
What manner of man is this they said
when Lazarus rose from the dead,
when Timaus's son saw the light of day
and the palsied man took up his bed.
What manner of man is this they said
when they all forsook him and fled,
when the soldiers nailed him to a cross of wood
then 'Father, forgive them' he said.
This is the man that God raised from the dead,
who's coming again for me;
coming to reign as the King of Kings
in that glorious eternity.